
I would like to see computer systems acting more autonomously. What does autonomous mean? Well, I want to be able to “instruct” a computer to achieve a given goal, and I want the computer to “figure out” the details that it needs to achieve that goal.

In order to do this the computer needs to have

  • Knowledge about the world.
  • An ability to reconcile this knowledge with the instructions it has been given.
  • The ability to make inferences from its knowledge base.
  • A set of operations that can be carried out leading to the achievement of the goal.

My current focus is to look at ways of acquiring this knowledge and representing it in useful ways. I am currently looking towards computer vision and data-mining tools in order to achieve this.

More Information

I am currently working as a researcher at the university of Auckland. I also am building up my own technology resources and solutions company called Neural Vision Ltd.

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